Thursday 14 February 2013

Oh, don't you want to know, is it any easier?

I must say the iPhone's camera quality is rather good! Mini Cornettos are so fun to eat - the best bit would definitely be the cone stuffed with chocolate. Haha, today's a rainy day and it's really cosy just lying in bed in a fetal position and typing this simultaneously. Currently downloading music and getting ready to go out! 
Happy Valentines' Day by the way! Going to head out later to meet my friends for lunch and then going to the orthodontist's - spending valentines' day alone, but with good teeth......? 

This is a shot I took yesterday as well, when I was sitting outside my house doing some History. It's so much more productive, and yesterday was a lovely day - windy and sunny at the same time, and the birds were chirping (sounds a little cliché and cheesy but yes). Okay, that was until it suddenly started to pour and I had to EMERGENCY RUN back into the house with all my books in tow. 

Here are some links to share with you should you be bored with your life like I am:

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